About the subject
Intelligent systems and robotics
Teacher : doc. Dr. Ing. Ján Vaščák
Introduction and overview of the field of mobile robotics and its description with intelligent control and conversation systems in the context of IoT. Basic UI resources need robot control and decision making. Overview of ubiquitous robotics, robot sensors, communication.
The graduate of the course will gain an introductory overview of the field of mobile robotics and its connection with intelligent control and decision systems in the context of the Internet of Things. To this end, he will be acquainted with the basic means of artificial intelligence (fuzzy systems, neural networks, optimization methods and machine learning tools) for the needs of control and decision-making of a robot or a group of robots within the concept of multiagent systems. He will get a basic overview of the so-called ubiquitous robotics, including issues of sensors, communication and software of mobile robots, especially robotic middleware and simulation tools as well as basic types of robots. As part of exercises and projects, he will gain experience in the program design of simple robotic applications for the needs of localization, navigation,
Subject syllabus
• The concept of intelligent space and the relationship to the Internet of Things
• Types of mobile robots, design features, motion control, stability according to ZMP
• Basic types of sensors and wireless communication devices (Bluetooth, WiFi, UWB, RFID, ZigBee, eBeacon)
• Sensory data processing and control mobile robots
• Robotic middleware (ROS) and software tools (Webots, Gazebo)
• Localization, path finding and navigation of robots, creation of maps (SLAM methodology) and environment models
• Multiagent systems and task scheduling
• Use of artificial intelligence in robotics (fuzzy, neuro, optimization and learning)
• Markov processes and decision making
• Virtual and mixed reality, social robotics
• Ubiquitous robotics
• Collaborative and swarm robotics.
• Case studies – Smart Home and ambient assistive living
Syllabus list
doc. Dr. Ing. Ján Vaščák
- jan.vascak@tuke.sk
Ing. Peter Papcun, PhD.
- peter.papcun@tuke.sk