About the subject

Fuzzy systems
TEACHER : doc. Dr. Ing. Ján Vaščák
Introduction to the issue and acquisition of knowledge in the use of resources based on the theory of fuzzy sets in the field of modeling dynamic systems, control and optimization of parameters of fuzzy systems as well as their use in decision support systems.
The graduate of the course will gain knowledge in the field of using hybrid computational intelligence (HVI) tools based on fuzzy sets, artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms for the needs of modeling and control. To this end, the graduate will gain the necessary theoretical knowledge about intelligent control structures, methods of adaptation and optimization of HVI parameters, which include, among other things, methods of description, modeling, simulation, optimization and control of systems using HVI tools. With the help of assigned projects, the graduate of the course will practically acquire the ability to develop and design their own solutions to problems, use the acquired knowledge and make effective decisions in the selection and use of appropriate tools, within which they will learn to maintain contact with the development of the field.
Subject syllabus
• Ways of introducing and describing uncertainty in management.
• Detailed description of activities of individual types of fuzzy controllers (Mamdani, TSK, adaptive, sliding fuzzy control).
• Ways of acquiring a knowledge base.
• Fuzzy decision support systems.
• Other types of fuzzy systems as extensions of conventional means of control and decision making (fuzzy cognitive maps, fuzzy clustering)
• Fuzzy systems type 2.
• Software and hardware support of fuzzy systems.
• Fuzzy programming and its types.
• Fuzzy data, methods of their analysis, similarity of data.
• General theory of uncertainty – an overview of types of uncertainty and the relationships between them.
Syllabus list

doc. Dr. Ing. Ján Vaščák
- jan.vascak@tuke.sk

Ing. Peter Papcun, PhD.
- peter.papcun@tuke.sk