It was our pleasure to have Dr. Ray Zong from the Intelligent and Interoperable Manufacturing Systems (IIMS) research group as a visiting lecturer. Erasmus + program supported his mobility. During his stay, we organized meetings, lectures and excursions as an IEEE Student Branch Activities. We believe that this activities will lead to research cooperation between our research groups and universities.

Dr. Ray Zhong and Chao Liu with members of ICS research group
Bio: Dr. Ray Zhong is a lecturer in The Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Ray gained his M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Signal & Information Processing and Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the Guangdong University of Technology (China) and The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) respectively. His research interests include Internet of Things (IoT) -enabled manufacturing, Big Data in manufacturing & SCM and data-driven APS. He has published over 100 papers in international journals and conferences. Ray served as guest editors for several well-known international journals: International Journal of Production Economics and Computers & Industrial Engineering: An International Journal with the topics of Big Data for Service and Manufacturing Supply Chain Management and Intelligent Enterprise Systems. He was invited to be one of the leading guest editors to organize a special issue on “Data-driven Food Supply Chain Management and Systems” from Industrial Management & Data Systems. In addition, he has participated in a set of projects sponsored by the National R&D department, HK ITF and HKU. He is a member of CIRP RA, ASME (USA), HKIE (HK), IET (UK), IEEE (USA) and LSCM HK. Ray was awarded the certificate of merit in the HK U-21 RFID Awards, the best conference paper in The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, and the Young Author Prize in the 15th IFAC / IEEE / IFIP / IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. He was invited to be one of the leading guest editors to organize a special issue on “Data-driven Food Supply Chain Management and Systems” from Industrial Management & Data Systems. In addition, he has participated in a set of projects sponsored by the National R&D department, HK ITF and HKU. He is a member of CIRP RA, ASME (USA), HKIE (HK), IET (UK), IEEE (USA) and LSCM HK. Ray was awarded the certificate of merit in the HK U-21 RFID Awards, the best conference paper in The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, and the Young Author Prize in the 15th IFAC / IEEE / IFIP / IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. He was invited to be one of the leading guest editors to organize a special issue on “Data-driven Food Supply Chain Management and Systems” from Industrial Management & Data Systems. In addition, he has participated in a set of projects sponsored by the National R&D department, HK ITF and HKU. He is a member of CIRP RA, ASME (USA), HKIE (HK), IET (UK), IEEE (USA) and LSCM HK. Ray was awarded the certificate of merit in the HK U-21 RFID Awards, the best conference paper in The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, and the Young Author Prize in the 15th IFAC / IEEE / IFIP / IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. He is a member of CIRP RA, ASME (USA), HKIE (HK), IET (UK), IEEE (USA) and LSCM HK. Ray was awarded the certificate of merit in the HK U-21 RFID Awards, the best conference paper in The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, and the Young Author Prize in the 15th IFAC / IEEE / IFIP / IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. He is a member of CIRP RA, ASME (USA), HKIE (HK), IET (UK), IEEE (USA) and LSCM HK. Ray was awarded the certificate of merit in the HK U-21 RFID Awards, the best conference paper in The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, and the Young Author Prize in the 15th IFAC / IEEE / IFIP / IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing.

Welcome Dr. Ray Zhong, Introduction of IIMS and UoA to ICS, DCAI, TUKE
Monday (10: 50-12: 20, 9 April)
This talk introduced the Intelligent and Interoperable Manufacturing Systems (IIMS) research group and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland (UoA), New Zealand.


Presentation of models, projects, ICS research group and Indusrty 4.0 laboratory, DCAI, TUKE
Tuesday, Thursday (10., 12. April)

Big Data Analytics for IoT-enabled Manufacturing
This talk introduced an IoT-enabled manufacturing by systematically deploying RFID devices and wireless network to create a smart environment where SMOs are able to interact and interconnect with each other so that vast number of data will be generated. A Big Data Analytics approach is presented to make full use the data for various applications. Firstly, an innovative RFID-Cuboid model was proposed to organize the abstract and complex sensed data. Secondly, a Big Data Analytics framework was presented to the process the organized RFID Big Data. Thirdly, some application cases were demonstrated to show the feasibility and practicality of the proposed approach.

Smart Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) for IoT-enabled Manufacturing
Wednesday (15: 10-16: 40, 11 April)
This talk introduced an IoT-enabled manufacturing by using a smart automated guided vehicle (AGV). One focus of this research is using RFID for locating and navigating AGVs. Multipath effect elimination approaches will be discussed in this talk with both active and passive RFID tags. Several scenarios about using RFID will be demonstrated using Makeblock facilities.

Case studies from Industry
Thursday (7: 30-9: 00, 12 April)
This talk introduced a multi-dimensional Internet of Things (IoT) -enabled BIM platform (MITBIMP) to achieve real-time visibility and traceability in prefabricated construction using RFID, Cloud manufacturing, and BIM visibility technologies. A case study from a real-life construction project in Hong Kong was used as a pilot project to demonstrate advanced decision-making by using cutting-edge concepts and technologies within the MITBIMP to providing a basis for real-time visibility and traceability of the whole processes of prefabrication-based construction.