We have equipped our built intelligent laboratory iLAB: Vision & IoT & Robotics at KKUI FEI TUKE, Vysokoškolská 4, Košice with beautiful IEEE seating bags.
It was implemented with the support of a grant from the IEEE Czechoslovakia section for branches of the IEEE Student Branch TUKE with its head office at KKUI FEI TUKE. In this form, too, we want to promote the activities of a major global IEEE organization and the IEEE activities of student and professional branches at TUKE among students, applicants, employees and the public .
![Pre-defense of bachelors1](http://cybereducentre.fei.tuke.sk/images/IEEE/Vaky/Predobhajoba_bakalarov1.jpg)
![Bachelor pre-defense2](http://cybereducentre.fei.tuke.sk/images/IEEE/Vaky/Predobhajoba_bakalarov2.jpg)
Pre-defense of KKUi bachelor’s theses in iLaba
![Pre-defense of the Mighty's dissertation](http://cybereducentre.fei.tuke.sk/images/IEEE/Vaky/Predobhajoba_dizertacnej_prace_Mocnej.jpg)
![Preparing the iLab for state tests](http://cybereducentre.fei.tuke.sk/images/IEEE/Vaky/Priprava_iLabu_na_statne_skusky.jpg)
Pre-defense of the dissertation in iLab Preparation of iLab for state exams
![Seminar of students of Intelligent Systems](http://cybereducentre.fei.tuke.sk/images/IEEE/Vaky/Seminar_studentov_Inteligentnych_systemov.jpg)
![State exams of KKUI graduates 2019](http://cybereducentre.fei.tuke.sk/images/IEEE/Vaky/Statne_skusky__KKUI_diplomantov__2019.jpg)
Seminar of students of the Intelligent Systems program in iLaba State exams of KKUI graduates in iLaba