Live IT projects 2018!
This year, for the first time, the KKUI with the study program Intelligent Systems, as well as the study program Economic Informatics, also took part in the projects. The mentor for KKUI was prof. Iveta Zolotová.
From KKUI we had 6 teams with topics:
Smart Blinds – Global Logic
Week Reports – T-Systems Slovakia
AI recipe book – Done
Voice control of medical devices – Siemens Healthineers
Use of Force feedback gloves in Augmented / Virtual / Mixed – Siemens Healthineers
Visualization of genetic algorithm activity – pedagogical tool – Siemens Healthineers
On January 24, 2018, there were public presentations with a jury from the commercial environment at TUKE. KKUI students from 37 of all teams from KPI + KKUI + UPJŠ won 2nd place and one other team was shortlisted.
2nd place went to the topic Use of Force feedback gloves in Augmented / Virtual / Mixed and composed of
IS students – Róbert Baláž, Matej Kvetko, Ján Cabadaj, Damián Sedlák; consultant from Siemens Healthineers – Marián Onder} in the photo below) and a mentor from KKUI

The topic of Smart Blinds and the team were also included in the shortlist : IS students – Ivan Vojtko, Ema Rošková, Štefan Labbancz, Igor Marga; consultant from Global Logic – Miloš Radačovský (KKUI graduate), KKUI mentor
Further detailed information, video, photos, presentations can be found at
We look forward and congratulate the winners and everyone for their excellent work and representation!