On October 24 2017, we opened our doors to young people interested in the INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS study program as IEEE Student Branch activity. The Intelligent Cybernetic System laboratory at the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence FEI Technicall University of Košice, Letná 9, welcomed around 200 visitors, mainly from secondary schools. There were several great project and theses presentations done by our students from all grades (Pomšár, Cabadaj, Kvetko, Sedlák, Hudzík, Bavlšíík Jaščur, Gajdoš, Záhumenský, Kačur, and others)

IEEE Student Branch Activity

SamsungGear, robot Kephera&TurtleWaffle&Kinect

Robots – Turtle Waffle, Turtle Burger, Kephera III